Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Photo Shoot.... final images

After redesigning the entire house and removing furniture to make space for an idea....three attempts and 3000 photos later....a couple of shots that one some way resemble the original concept..without a studio or real castle..
Some Pure Escapism....

 Given a different day in a different time, I'd like to think that I'd be a benevolent ruler, kind to everyone, brave and fun and strong and beautiful and calm and perfect. Thoughtful and authoritive but not utterly self-absorbed. Patient and just... nice. Who wouldn't? You'd have to be pretty small minded and mean to be cruel to your own monarchy.....
"Who's Queen..?" (off with her head!)
With a throne room to put your feet up in at the end of the day, by the fire. Kingdom business to ponder with the trusted advisors...A fifteen poster bed in a tower under furs...decrees to decree....
A black Clydesdale horse and ramparts to stalk and eye the horizon.. Cloaks, dogs and muddy boots. stables and horses and stableboys, guards, maids, cooks, soldiers and a small Kingdom/Queendom to rule over....
I'd like a couple of large grey loping Irish Wolfhounds to go with the Clydesdale and rolling hills to ride on. Shoot at things with a bow to bring home and roast for dinner... Roaring fireplaces, wine from goblets and kilometres of tapestries on the walls, to keep warm. Furs and skins and rugs and lamps and on platters to be eaten with daggers and fingers, bones tossed to the dogs..singing and laughing and shouting and other feasty-type noises. Swords.
Craftsmen and bakers and musicians and entertainers and the whole kaboodle.
Fields and gardens and tenant-farming families in villages with windy potholey, untravellable roads..
Without the actual shit, mud, disease, warfare and back-breaking labour with shortened life-span of the Actual Middle Ages...the really shitty horrible parts, plagues and marauding armies and ignorance.....fear and superstition..

No crown on, its a only a Monday night. Crowns for special occasions only...wooden thrones with leather seats. Some bloody person hath removed the footstool..Bare feet, drink in hand.
And yes, I LOVED the Lord of the Rings. Obviously.

 Closer in view, floor detail..............and closer again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Winter scribblings and splashings

Knight to Queen.... Acrylic/PVA glue/Wallpaper
Thoughts around the barriers and objects that can come between two people..

Rising Tide  Pencil/Wallpaper
...that old drowning feeling....

                                                                     Rising Tide (detail)