These are a collection of illustrations done by a close friend, working with me on a joint animated book project, in the summer of '08 to '09, in an adult cartoon format.
Certainly no guarantees that any are necessarily funny. Context may be needed for the concept, which was hand-drawn, ink straight into a book.. A few copies have been printed and given to friends.

Anna fell badly for an unavailable cross-dressing Auditor (OOOOHHHH gorgeous all round but already in a relationship), had to deal with feelings in a healthy way, got bent and thought up this book, whilst drinkin and smokin on a blanket in the garden on a summer night. (after spending three weeks crying and fighting off stalking urges, ha!)
Scrawled down the first ten idea's and posted it off to the Real Artist on the Coromandel Peninsula, who added the other ten, as well as the pre-amble and the fictional poem at the end.


Best viewed as a slideshow, slowed down to nine seconds per page, at least.

And there are these....some "inventions" I drew one night in 2003....all highly improbable and unpractical.