Sunday, May 22, 2011

Marquee PhotoShoot Pt II, no Police, just Wind....

Picked what seemed to be a calm, sunny Saturday and headed to Ginnantonica East, where there are not so many houses. Four teenage helpers this time and and two dogwalking passersby to get it up......
Of course, the wind picked up shortly after erection..

                           Wind pulling and ballooning the tent caused tugging and strain on the center hole that happens to be cut out of one of the thinner duvet covers, causing it to give out  twice, collapsing the top of the structure down, needing one emergency strap-up job before it did it again, more insistently....Packdown and head home for further improvements and reinforcing...

        Fortunately, a few quick shots were also taken on mobile phone camera's before the ominous ripping noises began...

Inside shot..