Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Winter Flowers, in a vase, from a shop...

NOT I love you flowers, but Congratulations, Well Done on your first gig, I'm so proud of you flowers.....

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Winter Painting, finished..

 He's called The Fat Man, though it has nothing to do with Fat or Men, there's a backstory, one that ends with an affectionate nickname that has unfortunately stuck like glue.....

While on the easel, under construction, it took up so much room that I would occasionally move it to the corner of the spare room and at times, he would be used as a hat stand, for one of my many hats. While lurking in the darkest corner, behatted, he would sometimes look like a huge, perfectly concentric fat man, standing very still and almost creepy. After startling me and members of my family on more than one occasion, he earned the name, The Fat Man.
And though it is rich and textured and beautiful and deserving of a much more flattering name, it won't go away......