Thursday, December 8, 2011

Surreality January... anticipating the sun

Surreality January Oh Ten song

She said
To me
None of it was
To leave you
Quite so insensible
Lost without even
 a goddamn paddle
Wondering what the hell
It was
That just happened
Of her
I’m not sure

What she
Did to you
Not even something
You’d call
Slightly sensible
Who said what to who
About who
Not the first time, too
Could’ve asked me
‘Cause I know
That I knew
Quite incredible
Just how much it is
To reel from
a low blow
Unintentional or no
You can’t say she didn’t know
Just how far
It would go

Surreality January
When every single little piece seems to fit
Like a mirror
See them sizzle
Watch ‘em all fire up
Glow with the heat of it
I wouldn’t trust it a single bit
Whole town notices me and you
The streetlights dim at twilight
And implode
One by one
On our way down the road

Synchronicity felicity
When the
Actual flow
Of the show
Is too strong
To control
Or even know
Let alone love
On it’s own
Keep it low
Keep it cerebral
Keep it soft somethin’ beautiful

Feels like falling in love with the whole world
Pole to pole
When you are near
Sky meets earth and soil
Meets fire meets air
Meets sunshine meets blue skies
Meets dark brown hair and blue eyes
Meets love and desire
Sun leaves the room
When you go too
Synchronise watches for the realtime
Check your compass which way to go
Think we’re lost right now
Just watch we don’t
Hit the coast now
Keep an eye on
The rising cost now
Don’t cross that line
Can’t even say that you are mine now

Synchronicity felicity
When I sizzle
And shimmer when I move
And you glow
Was it real
Or too freaky, babe
Who will ever really know
Not me

Surreality January
Not like a Dali
More like Modigliani
On my wall
No longer see or hear
Way too near
To know how I feel
For real about you
How I feel for real

Synchronicity felicity
When the
Actual flow
Of the show
Is too strong
To control
Or even know
Let alone love
On it’s own
Keep it low
Keep it cerebral
Keep it soft and somethin’ beautiful

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Anna turns 40..cakes both real and fake and a candlelit quiet evening in..

                    From lovely workmates................awwwwwww

From myself.........lasts a week, yeeha... then the shaving foam collapses on itself, the sprinkles dissolve and the wrapping paper sags. But until then its a shining glorious gold birthday monstrosity...


Sunday, August 28, 2011

More Winter Flowers, in a vase, from a shop...

NOT I love you flowers, but Congratulations, Well Done on your first gig, I'm so proud of you flowers.....

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Winter Painting, finished..

 He's called The Fat Man, though it has nothing to do with Fat or Men, there's a backstory, one that ends with an affectionate nickname that has unfortunately stuck like glue.....

While on the easel, under construction, it took up so much room that I would occasionally move it to the corner of the spare room and at times, he would be used as a hat stand, for one of my many hats. While lurking in the darkest corner, behatted, he would sometimes look like a huge, perfectly concentric fat man, standing very still and almost creepy. After startling me and members of my family on more than one occasion, he earned the name, The Fat Man.
And though it is rich and textured and beautiful and deserving of a much more flattering name, it won't go away......

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Marquee PhotoShoot Pt II, no Police, just Wind....

Picked what seemed to be a calm, sunny Saturday and headed to Ginnantonica East, where there are not so many houses. Four teenage helpers this time and and two dogwalking passersby to get it up......
Of course, the wind picked up shortly after erection..

                           Wind pulling and ballooning the tent caused tugging and strain on the center hole that happens to be cut out of one of the thinner duvet covers, causing it to give out  twice, collapsing the top of the structure down, needing one emergency strap-up job before it did it again, more insistently....Packdown and head home for further improvements and reinforcing...

        Fortunately, a few quick shots were also taken on mobile phone camera's before the ominous ripping noises began...

Inside shot..

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Golden Ruins.. Febuary 20th.

                     One layer stripped away, the reinforcements showing.....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Summer Evening light on your face...

Sunlight Through the Leaves......

Early Evening from the West, just before Sundown......

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh Jaysus, Mother, the Gypsies Are Moving In, OR Marquee Adventures, Part One

Finally decided to put the Patchwork Fantastic up to photograph for this blog. Spent four days airing it out, spread all over my pocket hankerchief-sized section. (It's been wrapped up in a bundle for nearly three years).
It's a gorgeous sunny day.
Readied all the bamboo poles, the ropes, the pegs, rounded up helpers, loaded it into/onto the Toyota wagon and set off, la de dah, to have funky photo sesh.
Big white sand beach too windy...
Pine tree reserve too windy....

         For a tent that looks like a cross-between THIS:

                                  And THIS:

                                Nothing too alarming.... 

Decided on the sheltered reserve behind work, a little further inland, in a residential area, with large leafy trees and a small man-made lakey pond thing.. Ducks. A Miliaritized Telephone Exchange building.
Unpacked it and laid it out with poles and ropes. Took quite a while. DID notice a couple of people watching from their lawn AND that they'd hauled their binoculars out.

As I made the call to NOT carry on (fabric slipping down poles, pole maintenance needed) and we began to pack down, two of THESE can stomping over for a talk.

                                  Grumpy, nosy, retired Gent.


                                    They were all, you know....

Inform us, we're not allowed to camp in the reserve, or drive our car in and that the Police were on their way.
That there would definitely be a fine.
Just a little stress to add to the disappointment of not getting it up, after all that prep and determination. Insert sadface icon HERE....
So the Police turned up.

       They were all, like, you know...."Whats goin' on 'ere then ?"

Bit overkill for a woman, two teenagers and a 270 square foot patchwork marquee..

                   No, really they were much more like this......

 There were two of them and they didn't even get out of the truck.

 Leant on the drivers door and had to talk the whole situation down, "Officer,....storm in a teacup etc, NOT a camping tent, made of recycled duvet covers etc, photoshoot for a blog (do you know what a blog is ? officer ? etc).... It's NOT even waterproof, they couldve come and asked me before calling you etc, blinkin bored retiree's, grrrrrr snarl, "
With a few reassurances from them and much glaring of mine in the RESIDENTS direction, off they beetled to fight the REAL criminals.

An annoying, inconvenient end to an event that didnt even get off the ground.

(Anna Crusis VS the New Zealand Army)