Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh Jaysus, Mother, the Gypsies Are Moving In, OR Marquee Adventures, Part One

Finally decided to put the Patchwork Fantastic up to photograph for this blog. Spent four days airing it out, spread all over my pocket hankerchief-sized section. (It's been wrapped up in a bundle for nearly three years).
It's a gorgeous sunny day.
Readied all the bamboo poles, the ropes, the pegs, rounded up helpers, loaded it into/onto the Toyota wagon and set off, la de dah, to have funky photo sesh.
Big white sand beach too windy...
Pine tree reserve too windy....

         For a tent that looks like a cross-between THIS:

                                  And THIS:

                                Nothing too alarming.... 

Decided on the sheltered reserve behind work, a little further inland, in a residential area, with large leafy trees and a small man-made lakey pond thing.. Ducks. A Miliaritized Telephone Exchange building.
Unpacked it and laid it out with poles and ropes. Took quite a while. DID notice a couple of people watching from their lawn AND that they'd hauled their binoculars out.

As I made the call to NOT carry on (fabric slipping down poles, pole maintenance needed) and we began to pack down, two of THESE can stomping over for a talk.

                                  Grumpy, nosy, retired Gent.


                                    They were all, you know....

Inform us, we're not allowed to camp in the reserve, or drive our car in and that the Police were on their way.
That there would definitely be a fine.
Just a little stress to add to the disappointment of not getting it up, after all that prep and determination. Insert sadface icon HERE....
So the Police turned up.

       They were all, like, you know...."Whats goin' on 'ere then ?"

Bit overkill for a woman, two teenagers and a 270 square foot patchwork marquee..

                   No, really they were much more like this......

 There were two of them and they didn't even get out of the truck.

 Leant on the drivers door and had to talk the whole situation down, "Officer,....storm in a teacup etc, NOT a camping tent, made of recycled duvet covers etc, photoshoot for a blog (do you know what a blog is ? officer ? etc).... It's NOT even waterproof, they couldve come and asked me before calling you etc, blinkin bored retiree's, grrrrrr snarl, "
With a few reassurances from them and much glaring of mine in the RESIDENTS direction, off they beetled to fight the REAL criminals.

An annoying, inconvenient end to an event that didnt even get off the ground.

(Anna Crusis VS the New Zealand Army)