Monday, May 31, 2010

juggling art, music and photography, not sure which is winning..

Did the waking up, two coffee's and admire the sunshine streaming in through the windows thing, housey, homey, washing kind of stuff, trips to the supermarket and library for more jazz cds....Diana Krall, mmmm mmmm.

 Went to the beach with the camera and shot some stuff in the thin Autumn light. My knees in the immediate foreground, inadvertently, from lying on the grass to get maximum skyspace..

These are a few of our local landmark pines, very old and tall and straight, lean. my favourite

Ive found the next song to record (watch this space) worked on the first layer of a cubist influenced acrylic painting based around the lines, barriers and enormous blocks that can exist between two people when they try to interact...............baked an insanely delish banana cake..... and got to amble on the beach taking these.
 It looks so pastoral and so beach all at the same time....

This is looking East, to my right as I face the ocean.

Then just as i got home to begin filling in the fledgling, cubist, cubic nightmare(after flinging together the banana CAKE), the rock band came home through the garage, post footage-gathering in my car (their's doesn't look evil enough, apparently my 89 Corolla Wagon does..) up in the deep bush covered hills behind Ginnantonica, saying they wanted to carry on filming the guitar-playing segment in the garage. Bass player turned up and all, with his nice girfriend. Cameraman with tripod.
Cue setting them up out there, asking Them next door to please can we use your side too, and could you back your car out? For several hours, thanks....(Making a video...very important) Cue Fake Blood all over everyone, find a power point for the camera to use, lug amps, smear, smear, grab spare red towels and spread newspaper on the floor for the drips. Hustle cute fuzzy smiling cat outta there before she ruins the look of the thing by purring and winding round someone's legs, mid-screaming metal guitar solo......shut the door, leave them to it and paint away..