Saturday, May 8, 2010

To find Angels and vote, keep scrolling down... this is the Wolf-spider post....

 So I added the pair of Wolf-spiders to my groaning household, SHE promptly ATE him, so now there is one, oooerr... she's so leggy and beautiful but ravenous, everything I catch and put in there, disappears, never to be seen again. I've named her Munchikins. For obvious reasons. She Muncheth.
SO FAR, she has eaten: Ants, Flies, Slaters, Earwigs (small ones) Centipedes (small ones) and her life-partner. mmm.
DOESN'T like: other spiders, Green Shieldbugs or Praying Mantis's.
Put a Mantis-guy in her Spiderarium, thinking she'd nail him immediately ( he was all scrawny and slow) but NO! four days later, he was still there, quivering up in the top of the branches so I hauled him out and set him free in a leafy coprosma, outside, poor traumatised sod.
Easy peasy-care pet and comes out at night, too, so I can hang with her whilst online, she's right here on my desk, screaming around, pouncing on slaters.. She's a tunneling, burrowing girl, so no visible web and hunts like a true predator, running, jumping and dragging back to her pile of leaves. yum yum etc.
Quite impressive little battle of Nature.
I want to feed her what's left of My Cyanide Licence but they are pretty much behaving. Saving up for new humungous Band-pad, somewhere round here, in Ginnandtonnica. Hopefully not too close.
The two singers have gone to see family down the Coast for a few weeks, Phil's One, Two and Pete (Bass) working on some new material and doing parttime labouring, the Norwegians have discovered the local flash new library so they only come home at night (can't get library cards, can't take out books, sad boys..) Not too sure how the dancers earn their money but they're out a LOT at night. Whatever.
Actually impressed at how well they DO get on, now those two stroppy chauvinist's have moved on.