Monday, April 26, 2010

As an aside, here's another wee gem

Now that I've mastered image insertion, here's another wee treasure from the very recent Anna files, the reason why the bike smash was so traumatic...?
The image above is the little indentation left on my windscreen, by a flying body after a borderline psychotic IDIOT threw himself at my car as I left town with the two-year-old, to go visiting.
Darted across the road to the centre line then ran and jumped directly at me as I braked from 60 kms an hour, screaming behind the wheel.
Trying to keel himself.
Fugging fugga, slid down my bonnet, landed on the road and staggered up, ran over to another car coming the other way and did it to them, too.
Talk about determined.

INSANE freak accident.
Only two weeks before the bicycle incident, one day before yet ANOTHER Tsunami warning and subsequent nervous reluctant evacuation ( with two cats yowling) in someone elses car...

Incoming tidal waves and the citizenry snapping and losing it in the street.
Stupid fuggin wossisface taken away strapped down in ambulance, us driven home by my mum in full-blown shock after giving statement to police ( nice constable who I noticed couldn't spell very well... I still signed it as being the true and accurate record, blah, blah.. there's a time and a place to correct spelling..)
(and it MUST be said, I AM wholly sympathetic to genuinely suicidal people but the police told me what he was up to and he apparently had done the whole thing to punish and manipulate his girlfriend who was watching because she had just called the cops on him after a domestic they had just had in the street. They'd been drinking all night and had had NO sleep. like a "you did this to me, so I'm gonna do this to you" type scenario. So, sympathy? Nup. And I really hope she had enough nous to leave him but bet she hasn't...)

Monday phone calls to car insurance company, panelbeaters turning up Tuesday and towing undriveable Toyota away on a truck for three days to replace windscreen.
Fine now. Just like new ( which it is..).
Cue comedy snare drum and crash cymbal, for the punchline..

The only man to hurl himself at me since ages ago and I happen to be accelerating behind the wheel of my car.