Friday, April 23, 2010

yip...thas my friday night license....

oh, man, theyre so cool, sucdh grooovy cool yummy crazy people tonight walkd to beach with a bonfire and big bottles of whiskeuy idea.
piers and olaf made fireworks go off in the dark and up everywhere soooobloody wild an pretty.
lotsa noise and fireworks everwhere all over the sky.
its fridawy night nwe wantd to go do domething coool.
phil and trevor peter played someguitars songs they brougth with them and swam in the freaakin cold sea and not very big waaves for some surfing they wantd to do but had a bonfire with lots of sandy blankets on the beach
itstoo cold for bbq though.
havnt had whiskuy forr a reallly longtime ages an ages
stupid typing fingrs check that out ahahahahaaa hopeless
jess and shane had a biut of aarrgument tho but all ok now phil said no more yelling
to them and play nice, but shanes been frigggn idioyt hes the drummer
she thinks hes the man
beautifull big fire down there but wew all home safe now n tucked up in our garage ahahahahhhhhaa but theres som other girls stealing mynice queen bed uuhhoh
coool guys cool band thats why thewy live at my house...............