Monday, April 26, 2010


Update: two of the guys have bailed to stay with seperate friends, thank god and the two other non-contortionising dancers left and booked into a cheap caravan at the Holiday Park up the road.
whoa. Man.
It all got a bit much a bit fast, even for them, garage not that big and unlined, its Autumn and the whole place is JUST TOO SMALL for 14 people, even when two of them would fit in a pillowcase.
Especially with half the group barely talking to the other and two that want to fucken SMACK each other over regularly and theyre all in one room all the time or pacing in a tiny tablecloth-sized courtyard and garden, or trying to sleep
I knew it would be, that little voice that says NO! too late. after you open your mouth and say "Come and stay at my place...., just for a week or two, til you find something else..."
Thats cool, not MUCH harm done, just a squashed garden, cigarette butts everywhere and an apology to them next door, on the other side.....
Moving right along...

there's never really any need for shouty screamy sweary arguments with aggro and really horrible bad shit like that.
even if you are pissed off and mad.
drunken, out of control yelling and slamming doors, people crying and calling out.
No thanks, its hideous.
and certainly not here, at mine.
We hate that stuff.
Angry, aggressive, loud, macho bullshit.

The Norwegians love to read a lot, so theyre fitting in perfectly,they lie still, taking up virtually no room anywhere.
Phil One is having a little bash on my ancient electric lounge-organ stored out there and meanders around up and down the keys , sounds ok.
The backing singers are nice but keep to themselves a lot and go out more than the others.
Pete Bass mainly drifts between tv and sleep mostly, now completely hogging the three-seater. Everyone IS tired and fucken cranky and sick of each other.
Phil Two snapping down the phone at someone.

They've just finished a two month ten-town South Island Summer Tour, anyway..sounded like it went well, otherwise.

IVE discovered thicker-than-thick heavy polar fleece, by way of a large borrowed hoodie.
drawn a self portrait.
planted 400 succulents, weaned myself off sugar in coffee,got big bike back (from being fixed), trawled 50 pages of available men on a dating site, met someone who is shaving their long hair for cancer,added a fabulous social worker as a facebook friend,learnt some basic HTML language, worked some, drove some, cooked some and added a pair of Wolf-spiders to the very small menagerie. Found someone who wants to set up a band who would like Anna to sing for it, in a more local and regular way.